Sunday, May 01, 2011

A Sacred Assembly

in joel chapter 2 God commands us to "blow the trumpet, consecrate a fast, call a sacred assembly".

and that's what we're doing -- and calling you to join us in doing -- this week in the Prayer Room this week, gathering as 'a sacred assembly' to pray.


because God *promises* that when all of His people --
"the people, ...the congregation, ...the elders,
...the children and nursing babes,
...the bridegroom...and the bride...,
...[and] the priests..."
(joel 2:15-16)

-- gather together and say:

"spare you people O LORD,
and let not Your heritage be given to reproach",

then God *promises* that

"then the LORD will be zealous for the land and show mercy to His people." (2:17)

we want to hang on to this promise until we see it fulfilled, so are partnering with Christian Heritage to do daily walks around cambridge showing how our city's heritage demonstrates the impact of christian values.

these walks will be free (Christian Heritage usually charge £6 per person), running from 2-3pm each day of the Prayer Week, with each day focussing on a different value which we pray would be restored to the christians of cambridge in our days:

Sunday -- Prayer
Monday -- the Bible
Tuesday -- Wisdom
Wednesday -- Creativity
Thursday -- Justice
Friday -- Mercy
Saturday -- Mission

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