Monday, May 02, 2011

#3 Restore our Heritage... of Seeking Wisdom

In our day it is common to find people who justify their unbelief with the claim that science has 'disproved' Christianity.

Such a thing seems especially ridiculous when you hear it in Cambridge, for the University of Cambridge's place at the forefront of scientific wisdom is the result of a history of scientists who worked within a Christian understanding of the cosmos and often were motivated by Christian convictions.

James Clerk Maxwell, for example, is one of the great scientists of all time, and the electrodynamic equations which he discovered are named after him. He was a convinced Christian -- as well as being Cambridge's first Professor of Experimental Physics and in charge of the at the time newly-founded Cavendish Laboratory.

And his influence remains with the motto inscribed on the Cavendish door, a quotation from Psalm 111:2 declaring that "Great are the works of the LORD".

Pray with us for that heritage of seeking wisdom to be restored in Cambridge:
Father God,
Thank-you that you are faithful and true. Thank-you that we need fear no contradiction between the truth of your Word and the reality of the world. Thank-you for the example of James Clerk Maxwell, and his conviction that when we study the science of the physical world we study the great works of God's creation. Would you restore that conviction in Cambridge today. Do it again! Revive your works in these days, we pray.
In Jesus' Name,


To hear more about James Clerk Maxwell and other significant figures from Cambridge who saw no contradiction between their faith in God and their pursuit of wisdom and understanding in every sphere of learning, please join us this afternoon at 2pm for the third of this week's 'Restore our Heritage' Guided Walks. It will be led by Martin Lown, Director of Christian Heritage. Don't miss it!

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